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Washington Park High School
Class Of 1965 |
Welcome to the Park High Class of 1965 Website
50th Reunion August 2015
Her obituary is listed In Memory.

Chart Room, Racine. Great Turnout about 30 shared some fun.

Some of the Brunch Group headed to Mulligans for Mini Golf and lunch. Thanks Dave Manchester for organizing the group. Hope to post a couple pics soon. Happy Birthday to the guy that keeps the group going, Dave Manchester. September 28th.
🧑🏻🎄Christmas Party 2023
Wednesday December 13th 🎅🏻
great turnout
Marilyn Kayon, Sheila Dermody, Kay Romahn, Ellen Gilmore

The one and only Art Rozzoni


Brunch on February 8th

Lake Geneva trip to see Grease.

bottom: Trudy Slesarenko, Sheila Dermody, Linda Campeau, Lynda Zamagni, Rusty Smith, Marge Razdik

Jim Hunnicutt, Trudy Slesarenko, Dave Manchester, Pat Nickelson, Rusty Smith, Carol Tyree, Eric Gutenberg, Sheila Dermody, Lynda Zamagni, Karen Yurk, Ellen Gilmore, Artie Rozzoni

Christmas Lunch at the Waterstreet Brewery, December 9 noon

pics from summer party
Reefpoint and Mulligans

Dave and Gail Christman 06/23/23
Joyce Orthey and Lon Laehr 02/10/23
Rick and Bonnie Rodgers 07/2022
Al and Patty Singstock 03/11/2022
Jim and Marilyn Jorgensen 8/02/2021
Jim and Sue Jenkins 6/26/2021
Marilyn Kayon and Dennis McGoldrick 6/26/2021
Sheila Dermody and Robert Gamble 6/6/2020
Francie McGuire and John Winkler
Kathy Widner and Rod Rubbo 5/30/2020
Sue Greer and Pete Turner 5/8/2020
Barb Klinkhammer and David Rudin 2/14/20
Chuck and Sharon Henning 1/17/2020
Alfonzo and Brazilian Thurman 8/23/2019
Carolyn Peetz and Gary Madsen 8/19/19
David and Virginia Jensen 08/09/2019 met at Platteville
Peter and Kathy (Horlick '65) Kirkegaard 8/02/2019
Guy and Linda Rannow 6/28/2019
Karen Yurk and Bob Wuerzberger 5/31/2019
Cyndy Eckert and Gary King 4/19/2019
Louise Ruffalo and Tim Rashleger 2/15/2019
Linda Albro Bushman and husband Peter 9/07/2018
Steve and Patricia Koch 09/2018
Judy Rasmussen and Chuck Niesen 09/2018
Barb Kemnitz and John Salvo 8/24/18
Kathy Sidwell and George Smullen on 8/03/18
Rocky & Janice Falashi July 2018
Jan Zierke & Bill Boeck 9/17/2017
Skip and Cindy Meekma 9/16/2017
Karen Klingenmeyer & Mike Loomis 8/12/2017
Bud & Glenda Gayhart 6/24/2017
Jane Miller and Tom Langdon 6/10/2017
Sandy Mielke and Elmer Duveneck 5/06/2017
Trudy Slesarenko and Art Rozzoni 2016
Shirley Weisbrod & Dale Gayhart 2016
Cheryl Moherek and Pete Buckley 7/31/2015
Anybody else? Email ksmirish@gmail.com


Dave and Gail Christman 6/23/2023
Rick and Bonnie Rogers 7/2022
Alfonzo and Brazilian Thurman 8/23/2019
Cyndy Eckert and Gary King 4/19/2019
Jane Miller and Tom Langdon 6/10/2017
Jan Zierke & Bill Boeck 9/17/2017
Karen Klingenmeyer & Mike Loomis 8/12/2017
Cheryl Moherek & Pete Buckley
Trudy Slesarenko and Art Rozzoni 2016
Shirley Weisbrod & Dale Gayhart 2016
Skip and Cindy Meekma 9/16/2017
Bud & Glenda Gayhart 6/24/2017
Bud and Glenda moved to Racine on 6/23 and spent 6/24 their 50th anniversary opening boxes reminiscent of their wedding 50 years earlier!
Rocky & Janice Falashi July 2018
Kathy Sidwell and George Smullen on 8/03/18
Barb Kemnitz and John Salvo 8/24/18
Linda Albro Bushman and husband Peter 9/07/2018
Steve and Patricia Koch 09/2018
Judy Rasmussen and Chuck Niesen 09/2018
Anybody else? Email ksmirish@gmail.com
70th Birthday Party Memories
Golf Outing at Petrifying Springs
Kathy Talsma, Jim Talsma, Peter Winnen, Carole Winnen, Laura Carothers, Bette Usty, Carothers, Bud Gayhart, Linda Campeau, Al Singstock, Dick Pankoff, Ken Mills, wife Francoise Lesage, Dave Manchester, Peter Kirkegaard, Dennis Treu
O & H Bakery Tour
Laura Carothers and Bill Guenther
Paul Dorsey & Peter Kirkegaard
At The Waterfront, Brown’s Lake
Diane Fergus, Kathy Sidwell, Dave Manchester, Sharen Breidinger, Sharen's husband Bill, Sandy Hansen
Mike Holland and Sandy Hansen
Gary Howards, Dick Pankoff, wife Donna Pankoff, Art Rozzoni
Lynda Zamagni, Guy Rannow, Bette Usty
Peter Winnen and wife Carole
Bonnie Fell and Sharen Breidinger
Cousins! Marilyn and Jon Kayon
Dave Huck and wife Rose Anne
Bette Usty and Linda Campeau
Longtime buddies and college roommates, Marilyn Kayon and Barb Kemnitz
'65 Sisterhood--Linda Jahn, Judy Schenkenberg, Sue Greer,
Back row: Judy Mentch, Joanie Foldy, Rusty Stirle, Carolyn Siler
Our exciting Birthday Party
Nibs Kosterman--too much drink? Too much dance? Just too old?
The end of a fun night at The Reefpoint
Tour de Bash Bike Tour
John Winkler, Francie McGuire Winkler, Peter Winnen, Jim Jenkins, Bill Smith and wife Sharen Breidinger Smith, Dave Manchester, Mike Holland and Dick Hobbs
Dave and Tito providing adult beverages
Post bike tour at Kewpees John Winkler, Francie McGuire Winkler, Dick Hobbs
ITALIAN FESTIVAL A huge thank you to Art and Trudy Rozzoni for securing the Green Room at Festival Park for our 70th birthday celebration. We also were thankful for the free admission.
Sheila Dermody and Carol Julius Mattes
Nibs Kosterman, Carolyn Siler, JoAnn Lumia, Bob Schneider's wife, Bob Schneider
Janice Kirby and Fanny Smith
Karen Klingenmeyer and Mike Loomis
Some of the Mitchell Bunch-- Mike Holland, Diane Kaestner, Sheila Dermody, Judy Schenkenberg, Karen Klingenmeyer, Marilyn Kayon, Carol Tyree, Karen Yurk-- that girl has not changed one bit!
One week after the 70th Birthday Bash, Barb Kemnitz turned 70!!
Park High Class of ‘65 70th Birthday Bash
One of the big differences between the World’s Greatest 50th Reunion and the 70th Birthday Bash was that at the 50th reunion we were all trying to figure out who everybody was, while at the Birthday Bash, it was all about learning who everybody is.
Two summers ago, we squinted to read name tags of long-lost pals and find out how the years had treated us all. This summer, we recognized each other, forgot about the past and enjoyed the present. We’re now friends in the here-and-now!
Another big difference, for Sue and me, was that, while the Fiftieth was about renewing old friendships, this time we got to meet new people… classmates we never knew that well, back in the day. That was really fun.
So here’s my description of the events we attended. I hope other people pitch in and talk about some of the events they enjoyed but we missed.
The Waterfront Restaurant, Burlington
The first activity Sue and I joined was the outing to the Waterfront on Browns Lake. ‘61 grad Mike Hammes really rolled out the carpet for his fellow Park alums. We had a cold one or three, ate some Brusha’s pizza, cruised the lake and pitched beanbags at the fabulous hand-painted Park Panther cornhole… er, beanbag toss, game, later won in a drawing by Jim Hunnicutt.
We chatted with Jim Hunnicutt and Kevin Ylvisaker, learned about their art fair itinerary for the summer, and about Kevin’s recent trip to Russia, where he attended a conference, but had enough time to rocket around Moscow on a Honda Gold Wing. We learned about Rusty Smith Stirle’s art work and Carol Julius Mattes’ teaching career. A real surprise and treat was seeing Gary Howards again… he moved to Madison before his senior year and graduated from West, but came to join his Park classmates at the Waterfront. We’re just more fun than those eggheads at West.
Reef Point Brew House
The next night we attended the gathering at the Reef Point Brewhouse, another beautiful waterfront retreat. Poor Dave Manchester. He’d worked for weeks setting up a playlist of music, which was drowned out by all the conversation and laughter through the evening. Dave spent much of the evening trying to gin up interest in Karaoke, promising that he knew all the actual words to Louie, Louie and would sing them for anybody who’d listen. No takers.
A real treat was getting to know George Jaunkalneitis. I remembered George as a football lineman back in the high school days, but we learned that he’s a big opera fan and expert, who travels to regional opera all over the Midwest. He’s also taking voice lessons and participating in a choir at Parkside.
Chuck Henning had a few copies of vintage Park Beacons which were fun to read and which only coincidentally had accounts of his cross-country and track victories.
The evening was punctuated by Carol Tyree Haider coming up to us repeatedly and… encouraging (note I didn’t say “badgering”) us about taking a few hundred of the leftover orange and blue balloons home with us to decorate the next morning’s Tour de Bash Bike and Submarine Race. Finally we agreed that we would take care of the excess balloon problem by having a mass ascension/balloon release at the end of the evening. To the off-key strains of someone humming Louie, Louie in the background (give it up, Dave!), it was a stirring sight seeing hundreds, maybe thousands, nay, millions of festive balloons rising to the stars. And many of them sinking. Truly inspirational.
Our final event was the First Annual Tour de Bash Bike and Submarine Race, also known as the “Race for the Coveted Red Cup.” An intrepid crew of athletes and bon-vivants took to the mean streets of Wind Point for the competition. Stage 1 ended at the Wind Point/Shoop Park Parking Lot, known locally for steamed up windows and weekly submarine races. Stage 2 ended at Francie McGuire Winkler’s lovely home, where Judy Hoppe served us Kringle, fresh raspberries, granola bars and iced tea.
After tasty refreshments and conversation, including descriptions of juvenile hijinks (and my reassuring Peter Winnen that if no deaths were involved, the statute of limitations has run on his particular story) (no, Peter, I’m not a lawyer), we got back on the road for the third and final stage of the Tour. This included the largest climb of the race, a block-long incline that was skipped by half of the participants. Dick Hobbs entered the climb valiantly but discovered that he was in top gear and had to bail before the summit.
While Sharen Breidinger Smith and hubby Bill wore the yellow jerseys for the entire race, the race for the Coveted Red is Cup was declared a tie, as Manchester and his pal Tito filled the red cups with refreshing Tomato juice, cheese curds and veggies. It was truly restorative. Once the bikes were stowed, we were off to Kewpees for the first annual Tour de Bash Ceremonial Banquet.
That was the extent of our (Sue’s and my) participation. We missed the golf outing, a major relief to Chuck and Laura Carothers, and also the ethnic chow-downs at O&H Kringle and Italian Fest. We’re no better at pool than golf, so we passed on Nibs’ Kosterman’s Billiards tournament, though we did get to hear Nibs describe how, even though he was kicked out of both Park and St. Cats, he’s now on the reunion planning committees of both schools. Take that, Permanent Record!
Just like the Fiftieth, the Birthday Bash was huge fun. Thanks to everybody who planned it and each of the events. Now on to Sue’s Class of ‘67 fiftieth, this weekend! We may have to rent an apartment in Racine.
Jim Jenkins
There is a link on the left column, Scholarship Stories. This features the ten recipients of the Class of '65 Scholarships. There is a photo, short bio and their thank you note. $19,650 total dispersed. Way to go!
Plus a little extra from our 70th Birthfay Party brings the grand total to $24,500 in scholarships that we have given back!
Final Tally
for the Class of '65 Scholarship Fund
The following photos from the Park Tour on Sunday, complements of Ace photographer Dennis Treu. Thanks, Dennis!
Everyone is still greeted by Joan
Sunday morning Park Tour Remember some of these good lookin' classmates?
Bring back some great memories? Who was your locker buddy? Mine was Lynda Zamagni!
The FINAL REUNION WRAP-UP, following the Wednesday, September 2nd Committee meeting
Wednesday, September 2nd, 21 members of our planning committee met once
again at The Summit restaurant for a final wrap-up. So did we make seven scholarships? Yes! Did we make eight scholarships? Yes! Did we make nine
scholarships? Yes, but in fact we will award TEN SCHOLARSHIPS of
$1965 each. We, the committee, thanks everyone who
contributed in any way to this monumental achievement. So here is the breakdown
$4225--Rounding up our registration fees
$4570--Auction--includes $1965 football bids by Ken Bengtson
$5590 scholarship donations during and post reunion including $1965 each
from Dick Hobbs and Peter Kirkegaard
$3900 from the 50th($900+) and 40th ($2900) reunions
The Best 50th Reunion Ever is in the rear-view mirror.
It was fun; it was spectacular; it was fabulous.
You can now find all of Jim's stories on the left link--Jim Jenkins' Stories. Jim has promised more down the road. So stay tuned.