Missing Classmates

If you're registered already or deceased, you are not missing.  If you have requested NO CONTACT you are not missing. If we have neither a valid email, street address, or phone number, we have noted you as missing.  If you know where these Classmates are, please share our web address with them:


If you know the email address for any Classmate below, you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.


Sharon Adtke
Sharyn A Allen
Elizabeth Alvarez
Barbara Ann Andersen
Richard Bass
Mary Jane Buck (White)
Jerry Christensen
Judith Ann Christensen (Olsen)
Mary Conklin
Brenda E Degner
Ronald Eppler
Mary Ellen Flanders (Linker)
Michael R Fox
John Francis
Frances Mary Gonzales (Lewis)
David Grant
Richard Guilmette
Bobby Harton
Michael William Harvey
Richard Lewis Herman
Elenora Hill (Pulliam)
Patricia Hort
Royal Jean Jackson
Jacob Johnson
Martha Johnson
Jesse Jones
Diane Keillor
Robert King
Hope J Klam (Lardier)
Richard Otto Lange
Terry Lee Larsen
Marilyn Linders
Cynthia M Mandernack (Rizzs)
Linda McCombes
Mary Ann Miller
Gloria Monday
Mary Munoz
Jeanine Clare Nelson
Stephen Nicholls
John Nielsen
William Louring Nielsen
Joseph Patrick
Robert David Petersen
Sylvia Rodriguez
Judy Rolfe
James Roskowski
Claudia Jean Samalon
Norma Simonson
Charles Smith
Thomas Robert Sorensen
Tom Spohn
Margaret Steinke
Robin Ann Thoennes (Jericho)
Janice Faye Van Allen (Olsen)
Robert Charles Willis
Dennis Woods
Robert Wright